Make the layout of a report (in PDF format) distributing the photographs and their descriptions
Note: You need sufficient disk space.
Too many photos can cause out of memory errors
These are the limitations of a smartphone
More information at:
¿Cuantas veces hemos tenido que realizar un montaje fotográfico para la realización de un informe y hemos necesitado trabajar un montón de horas delante del ordenador?
Since ABAKAL we have met this tedious work often. And we asked ourselves: If we have the photos already named with the name of the legend that we would put down? If we have a template already made of how we would like the header and footer to remain? Could not this work be done by a computer?
The program is done on Android to even save us the job of passing the photos to the computer (Currently the reports photos are made more often with a phone than with a camera)